Benefits Of Outdoor Living

The importance of outdoor living spaces

We all love having a garden, and it is a piece of land we can call our own and somewhere we can spend time with loved ones. However, outdoor living space is likely more important than you ever realised. It is a place where you can improve your health, improve the developmental opportunities for your children, increase the value of your home, and find the relaxation we all need to maintain positive mental well-being.

Managing our health

We have all spent a lot of time indoors in recent years, and it was during this time, that our gardens became our haven. Being outside gives us access to essential vitamins, such as Vitamin D, which boosts our immune system and reduces inflammation in the body.

It is also important for our eye health to get outside. We spend a lot of time on close work now, looking at our computers or smartphones. Getting outside allows our eyes to focus on the distance, which is essential for young people whose eyes are still developing.

Being out in nature can also reduce the negative impacts of stress on our health. Stress and anxiety are linked to diseases of the heart and gut and contribute to neurological decline as we age. Therefore, having an outdoor space improves our mood and helps us ground ourselves and stay connected to those around us.

Child Development

We are beginning to remember the importance of children playing outside. The television, tablets, and games console have contributed to children’s reluctance to go outside. 75% of children in the UK spend less time outdoors than prison inmates, while one in nine children has not been to a beach, forest, or other natural environments.

Children need spaces to run and stay fit, gaining the agility and stamina for adult life. To develop muscle, stability and coordination, children need to jump and climb – and have fun letting off steam.

Young people that spend time in nature are more likely to try new things, connect with others, and be curious enough to explore and solve problems. Having a garden that young people actively engage with can do many of these things too. Playing out in nature encourages imagination and creativity and keeps the young person active.

Property Value Increase

Access to a well-maintained garden is a priority for most buyers looking for a new home. Your property is much more valuable if a piece of land is attached for socialising, relaxing, and maybe even growing food. Most estate agents see this demand for a garden increase over the next two years.

While the demand for a garden is about space, the outdoors of your home is also a valuable portal through which to increase kerb appeal. When people form their first impressions of your house, it is via the outdoor space. You can use these areas to suggest a lifestyle to the buyer and increase the property’s emotional value in their mind. A strong emotional reaction to a home invariably leads to a higher offer, making you money.


Your outdoor space is important as a haven where you can hide and recuperate. It is not just about laying out on the sun lounger and catching some rays. Almost half of the British population find gardening relaxing, especially those over 55.

Our gardens can be a place where we ground ourselves and surround our home with nature. Taking care to attract wildlife to your garden can help the environment and add interest to you and the children. Seeing how nature works together and creates balance is a wonderful lesson for young people and helps them develop a respect for the planet.

Happy, healthy, and connected

Outdoor spaces are an essential ingredient in our lives today. The Japanese have long since understood this and, for the last 40 years, advocated for trips into the forest to bathe in the calmness of the trees. Studies suggest that forest bathing can lower stress hormones in a person by 15%.

The connection between nature and our physical and mental health has been known for centuries, and it is easy to bring this into our lives by creating a garden connected to our property. It becomes a place where we can spend quality time with friends and family, an area where we can grow our own food, and a place where we can stop and watch the birds.

The pandemic of 2020 and 2021, which saw us locked down, clarified the outside’s importance. This understanding of how much we cherish the freedom to roam outdoors has led many to increasingly request a garden when buying a home. So, when asked how important outdoor space is, the answer is very.

The Benefits Of Outdoor Living

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