HRH The Duchess of Cambridge plants containers at RHS It's Your Neighbourhood group King Henry's Walk Garden in Islington. The visit comes as it was announced the Duchess will design the RHS garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show with landscape architects Davies White, Jan 15, 2019.

HRH The Duchess of Cambridge to co-design at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019

HRH The Duchess of Cambridge and Landscape Architects Davies White to Design the RHS’s Garden at the 2019 RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

For the first time HRH The Duchess of Cambridge has co-designed a garden for the Royal Horticultural Society at the world famous RHS Chelsea Flower Show (21-25 May 2019), sponsored by M&G Investments.

The RHS Back to Nature Garden has been designed by The Duchess of Cambridge and Award Winning Landscape Architects Andree Davies and Adam White, of Davies White Landscape Architects.

The news was announced ahead of a visit by The Duchess to King Henry’s Walk Garden in Islington, an RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood group, part of the RHS Britain in Bloom campaign, to meet the community gardeners on Tuesday 15 January.

The RHS Back to Nature Garden is a woodland setting for families and communities, and encourages all generations, from all backgrounds, to connect with nature and enjoy growing plants for their health and wellbeing.  Something core to the RHS’s charitable work.

The garden has been inspired by childhood memories that are triggered by the natural world, as well as special moments that will be created and treasured by families now and in the future.

Sue Biggs, RHS Director General, said:  “We could not be more thrilled, or feel more honoured, that The Duchess of Cambridge has co-designed our RHS Garden at Chelsea Flower Show this year, with Award Winning Landscape Architects, Andree Davies and Adam White.

“For over 200 years the RHS has been championing the power of gardening and growing plants for the environment, for health and wellbeing and to help people of all ages, from all backgrounds, to learn and grow. So to have The Duchess advocating this with us, and to be continuing our partnership with NHS England will, we’re sure, further highlight the powerful benefit that access to gardens, nature and growing plants can have for all our health and happiness.”

The RHS Back to Nature Garden is key to the RHS’s partnership with NHS England, promoting the physical and emotional well-being that access to green spaces and gardening provides. After RHS Chelsea, much of the planting and some of the landscaping will go to an NHS Mental Health Trust, as part of a national competition run by the RHS.

Continuing the collaboration and to engage even wider audiences, The Duchess of Cambridge and Davies White will be co-designing two further RHS Gardens, maintaining many of elements from the Garden at Chelsea, at RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival (2 July – 7 July 2019) and RHS Garden Wisley in Surrey, which will open in the Autumn later this year.

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