Paultons Park

Discover Paultons Park’s Gardens after hours

Discover Paultons Park’s Gardens after hours at our open evening event. Walk through 140 acres of magnificent landscapes, originally designed by Capability Brown. This exclusive opportunity allows you to chat with our Park’s management and gardening team, unravelling the secrets that make these gardens so extraordinary!

What’s more, take a unique journey aboard the Trekking Tractors and the Dino Tour Company Jeeps to explore the planting that surrounds our rides. Unearth the stories behind our enchanting gardens and the magic that goes into crafting them. The Wild Forest restaurant will also be open for refreshments during the event. Join us for an evening of exploration and horticultural wonder!

Gardens Open Evening

12th September 2024

4.00pm — 7.30pm

Tickets & More Information :

Paultons Park

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